The School District of Palm Beach County

Department of Adult and Community Education

K-12 Support Programs


Grant Application

Program Results


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Grant Purpose & Guidelines

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Intent of the K-12 Support:
The Palm Beach County Community Schools provide funding for educational support to schools requesting assistance with remedial, tutorial or test preparation programs in their school.

Structure and Funding: The K-12 Support will be supervised by a K-12 Support Grants committee comprised of at least the District’s Adult Education Manager or designee, the Chairman of the Community School Assistant Principal’s and at least one community school Assistant Principal from each of the four areas of the county. The committee will be responsible for creating and modifying program policies to ensure its most effective operation, compliance with district policies and financial solvency. The committee will also review and grant program funding to schools applying for assistance under the K-12 Support.

The financial source for funding these special programs is 10% of all community education fees collected. In order to extend educational support to numerous schools within the district, it is essential to adhere to the total number of hours allotted of instruction per school year. At the end of the instructional program, it is imperative to submit your Program Results in order to receive funding for the part-time teacher salaries.

Program Application and Implementation Procedures: Schools wishing to participate in the K-12 Support must complete the on-line application. Each school may apply for one grant each school year. The application requires specific information regarding the nature and intent of the program to be implemented as well as an approved evaluation instrument to measure the program’s success. After the application form has been completed, it is submitted to the K-12 Support Grants Committee. The Committee reviews each application at periodically scheduled meetings and approves the program if the application meets the K-12 Support criteria.

Program duration should not exceed the number of hours allotted and must be remedial, tutorial, or test preparation in nature. Programs of a supervisory nature such as after-care or detentions are not eligible for funding. After a school concludes its program they are required to submit their Program Results through the K-12 Support Committee website. This will ensure funding for staff members conducting the program. To ensure equal funding access to all schools, a school may only receive funding for one grant per School Year.

  1. K-12 Support Grants Committee approval of programs: The committee, in reviewing applications, will check to see if the proposed program meets the above stated standards. If it does and funds are available, the Adult Education Manager will ensure the funds are transferred to the grantee’s school budget after the school submits their program results. Programs not approved will be notified with an explanation of the denial. The school may then address the concerns, modify the request as needed and re-submit for review within the grant application period.

  2. The school Principal will be responsible for ensuring the payment of personnel selected for implementing the program and assuring program compliance within the number of hours allotted. The community school Assistant Principal is responsible for monitoring the program to ensure it is in compliance with the intent of the program description on the approved application. The Assistant Principal or District personnel will monitor the program site visits and review program outcomes and evaluation results.

Designation of Responsibilities

K-12 Support Grants Committee: (a) Propose, modify program policy as needed to maintain program’s relevance, effectiveness and budget constraints; (b) Approve program applications and award funding by consensus; (c) Collect participation statistics and any other relevant data to report to the Director of Adult Education, sponsoring Community School and any other interested parties.

District Staff: (a) Ensure that funds (the 10% District impact fee and 40% of the community registration fee) is moved into the appropriate budgetary accounts for the K-12 Support program. (b) Notify schools awarded of K-12 Support funding. (c) Make budget transfers to grantee school budgets, In the amount requested on the Invoice for Services, not to exceed the number of allotted hours. (d) Share all relevant budget information and balances with the steering committee; (e) Assist with compliance, monitoring and evaluation of program and other related issues.

Community School Assistant Principals: (a) Serve as sponsors for local schools requesting to implement programs, or by designation of the District Office; (b) ensure submission of Program Results; (d) participate in program monitoring.

Applying Schools: (a) Complete application with accompanying documentation; (b) responsible for providing on-site supervision; (c) ensure that the programs adhere to established guidelines; (d) process part-time teacher payroll hours; (e) Turn in results of the program by the date established on the application.

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